Most of the small parts have been blasted now and peka has sprayed them in either sealing wax red or chestnut brown, all are looking lovely and shiny.
Below are the rear ribbed bumper mounts from Auto craft, before and after paint.

After finding the bearings for the new hubs (in the boxes) I had to get on with installing the front hubs and disc brakes on to the new flipped spindles, so I set about it one morning before work, I took my time, greasing the bearings and cleaning up all the parts as I went.

Of course it didn't take too long to find some problems, this time its the lack of clearance between the discs and the dropped spindles, looks as though there is about 3mm that needs to to ground away from the flipped spindles, it looks as though where the meat (metal) has been added too the spindle to make it strong, in this area it now fouls the disc ? after measuring it looks as though I need to remove 3mm plus clearance room..... after market parts !

Also at this point realized I still needed to get some wheel bolts, these I came to get hold of at the local tyre fitting place, also where Henning a fellow vw nut works, so I managed to trade a book for some new wheel nuts ; )
Back at home parts table is looking nice, and a new bay has joined us, Tomas needed a place to store his bus from the vandals, so now its at ours .
And tonight I'm busy building up my rear brakes, the backing plates etc, ready to go to peka´s in the morning and install them with the rear bearings, seals, caps and drums etc.
On Tuesday I found out that I had no rear wheel bearings : (
I couldn't even be bothered to bother t2d about yet another missing part from my list that I orderrd months ago, I also knew I wouldn't get them here before Friday when I need them, so I saved the hassle and rand rainier to see if he had some at his work shop, he looked but didn't have any, he recommended VW up north here in Sweden, I called them directly and luckily they had some, they sent them straight away and were in my mail box when I got home from work the very next day!
Amazingly good service !
As soon as they came I rushed to see that all was good with everything I had, so I checked them in the bearing caps that I got from T2D and of course found that I had two different size caps! I was a bit pissed off about this and immediately called T2D to find out what the f"&K had happened?
The guy I spoke to put me straight through to Paul who apologized? and asked me to send some pics over and that he couldn't understand what had happened but would fix me another asap and get it sent.........So im waiting for that to show up now.
here is the picture of the caps from t2d
Anyway enough of that, get on with what I can do, which is build up the brakes as much as I can to save some time in the morning, If the parts from T2D dont show up then I will have to wheel the back end of the bus around on the pallet for a another couple of days.
I came across this useful page here which is helping this evenings fun and games ie VW´s very own version of buckaroo!
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