First I tried going over the brake light housing with bicarbonate soda, then a tried the same piece again but with sand.
Blasting with the Bicarbonate was really good, it removing the paint with ease but nothing more.
I needed to take it down to good metal, through the rust so I tried the sand and of course it ripped through the rust and left bare metal in no time, but it was real messy, the biggest problem is the mess, sand getting everywhere and you can't see what your doing.
No sign of any heat so I must be blasting at pressure which is not to hard.
I think its back to the drawing board with the sand - might have to rig up a DIY blasting booth.
It would be really nice to try a blasting cabinet out, my biggest question is can you see what your doing when your blasting inside a booth ?
Here are results after just a few minutes messing around outside.
It would be really nice to try a blasting cabinet out, my biggest question is can you see what your doing when your blasting inside a booth ?
Here are results after just a few minutes messing around outside.
below, one very old center brake and number plate light housing.

below, after soda blasting a little.

below after a quick going over with sand.

Now I need to prepare everything.
De-greasing the shifter, removing rubber and stripping down the door frames and getting all the other parts ready for a clean and blast and then it's to wait for a nice day, get suited up and attack some rust.
below: Area on cab door, soda removed paint and nothing else

Thinking about making a quick blasting cabinet - I have most of the parts to make something like one of these

see the how to here :